Theoretical Posts

Computer Vision For Everyone: Course Introduction (Episode 1 | CVFE)

Computer Vision For Everyone: Course Introduction (Episode 1 | CVFE)

Ever heard the term ‘Computer vision’ and wondered what it is? Or did you ever wanted to learn how different industries are utilizing computer vision technologies or perhaps you’re just curious about different subdomains in computer vision and want to expand your understanding in this field? Well, today we’re introducing a new video-based course that covers all that and much more called Computer Vision For Everyone.

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Artificial Intelligence: 4 Levels of Explanation Part 1 (Episode 3 | CVFE)

Artificial Intelligence: 4 Levels of Explanation Part 1 (Episode 3 | CVFE)

We’re publishing a 4 part tutorial/video series on AI as part of our CVFE course, we will focus on giving you a thorough understanding of the artificial intelligence field with these 4 tutorials. Each tutorial is distributed into different levels, on each level we’ll cover some explanation of AI. And on each subsequent level, the explanations will get more technical.

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