(Video) Contour Detection 101: The Basics (Pt:1)

By Taha Anwar

On May 25, 2021

Watch the Full Video Here:


This video is a part of our upcoming Building Vision Applications with Contours and OpenCV course. In this video, I’ve covered all the basics of contours you need to know. You will learn how to detect and visualize contours, the various image pre-processing techniques required before detecting contours, and a lot more.

The course will be released in a couple of weeks on our site and will contain quizzes, assignments, and walkthroughs of high-level Jupyter notebooks which will teach you a variety of concepts.

Download the code for the video by clicking the button below:

Designing Advanced Image Filters in OpenCV | Creating Instagram Filters – Pt 3⁄3

Designing Advanced Image Filters in OpenCV | Creating Instagram Filters – Pt 3⁄3

This is the last tutorial in our 3 part Creating Instagram Filters series. In this tutorial, you will learn to create 10 very interesting and cool Instagram filters-like effects on images and videos. The Filters which are gonna be covered are; Warm Filter, Cold Filter, Gotham Filter, GrayScale Filter, Sepia Filter, Pencil Sketch Filter, Sharpening Filter, Detail Enhancing Filter, Invert Filter, and Stylization Filter.


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