Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just wave a pen in the air to draw something virtually and it actually draws it on the screen? It could be even more interesting if we didn’t use any special...
OpenCV Posts
Super Resolution with OpenCV
Have You seen those Sci fi movies in which the detective tells the techie to zoom in on an image of the suspect and run an enhancement program and suddently that part of image is magically enhanced...
Installation of OpenCV 4.3.0 in Windows 10 from Source with Nvidia GPU Support & Non-Free Flags Enabled.
In this post we are going to install OpenCV from Source in Windows 10. OpenCV stands for Open Source Computer Vision library. It's the most widely used and powerful computer vision & Image...
Computer Vision Crash Course with OpenCV & Python
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKxaf6_JV0 If you’re looking for a single stand-alone Tutorial that will give you a good overall taste of the exciting field of Computer Vision using OpenCV then...
Emotion / Facial Expression Recognition with OpenCV.
A few weeks ago we learned how to do Super-Resolution using OpenCV’s DNN module, in today’s post we will perform Facial Expression Recognition AKA Emotion Recognition using the DNN module. Although...
Super Resolution, Going from 3x to 8x Resolution in OpenCV
A few weeks ago I published a tutorial on doing Super-resolution with OpenCV using the DNN module.I would recommend that you go over that tutorial before reading this one but you can still easily...
Building a Smart Intruder Detection System with OpenCV and your Phone
Watch the Video Tutorial for this post here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-jYRTERsrs Did you know that you can actually stream a Live Video wirelessly from your phone’s camera to OpenCV’s...
(LearnOpenCV) Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with AI
Let’s play rock, paper scissors.You think of your move and I’ll make mine below this line in 1…2…and 3. I choose ROCK. Well? …who won. It doesn’t matter cause you probably glanced at the word “ROCK”...
Vehicle Detection with OpenCV using Contours + Background Subtraction
In this video we will explore how you can perform tasks like vehicle detection using a simple but yet an effective approach of background-foreground subtraction. You will be learning about using background-foreground subtraction along with contour detection in OpenCV and how you tune different parameters to achieve better results.